3D-Printable Reusable Tensegrity Modules
I'm giving a talk at the Joint Math Meetings next month on my tensegrity activity for math circles. There's not really time to run it as a hands-on activity in the 30-minute slot and still give a sense of the full arc, since all of the time would be spent making struts with little time left to explore. What I'm instead planning to do is introduce things by modeling the strut construction from dowels and rubber bands and switch over to using a toy I've developed that will save the audience the work of making struts. I've brought the toy to a variety of SUMM events and people always ask where they can buy it. SUMM will be piloting selling these in small kits soon, but if you have access to a 3D printer and want to print a set for personal or educational use, I'm making the 3D print files available here.