
3D-Printable Reusable Tensegrity Modules

I'm giving a talk at the Joint Math Meetings next month on my tensegrity activity for math circles. There's not really time to run it as a hands-on activity in the 30-minute slot and still give a sense of the full arc, since all of the time would be spent making struts with little time left to explore. What I'm instead planning to do is introduce things by modeling the strut construction from dowels and rubber bands and switch over to using a toy I've developed that will save the audience the work of making struts. I've brought the toy to a variety of SUMM events and people always ask where they can buy it. SUMM will be piloting selling these in small kits soon, but if you have access to a 3D printer and want to print a set for personal or educational use, I'm making the 3D print files available here.

3D-Printable Regular Polygon Dissection Puzzles

I've been busy prototyping mathematical toys this year and have had several parents ask me where they can be purchased. I can't really scale my 3D printing in a way that makes sense, so I'll try looking into injection molding or laser cutting when I've got time. In the meantime, my intention was already to make my 3D printing files publicly available, so I'll start with some geometric dissection puzzles.

Tensegrity Polyhedra

I've been making tensegrity polyhedra for about a decade now and have never taken the time to write about them for a general audience, so thought this might be a good time to do so. As with my post on modular origami with Sonobe units , we'll be looking at a single unit along with some mathematical insights that lead to a variety of structures.

Escher-like Tilings

The artwork of M. C. Escher often incorporated mathematical motifs. Today we'll look at a fun way to make exciting tilings from conventional ones.

Serpentile Games

Serpentiles allow the creation of richly patterned or random-seeming mosaics from relatively small tilesets. Here we'll take a look at a couple games that make use of a simple set and their colored variant.

Pocket Cube Remix

Today we'll look at some reconfigurations of the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube that allow for different explorations and lower the floor.

Burr Puzzles

When I was a grad student, I used to keep a basket of burr puzzles on my coffee table for guests to fiddle with. Today we'll look at an activity where students design them before solving them!

Locker Problems

I first encountered the locker problem at a math competition in high school. JRMF used to have a version of it on the books called Lightbulbs , but it was retired because it was too app-dependent. Today we'll look at some manipulatives and sequences for a hands-on, in-person version.

Numberlink Puzzles

I first encountered Numberlink puzzles in the (numberless) Flow Free app and appreciated them because they were a little more topological than the typical logic puzzle.

Graph Coloring Games

There are a number of interesting ways to make a two-player game out of coloring the vertices of graphs. We'll look at a couple.